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Marine Commercial Food and Kitchen Equipment

Marine Commercial Food and Kitchen Equipment

Marine Commercial Food and Kitchen Equipment: Custom Made Products for 50/60Hz

Ships must use commercial food and kitchen equipment that can withstand the harsh conditions of the marine environment. The frequency of the power supply can vary depending on the ship’s location, so the commercial food and kitchen equipment must be able to operate on either 50Hz or 60Hz power.

We specialize in making custom commercial food and kitchen equipment for ships . ALPHA can design and manufacture equipment that meets your ship’s specific needs, including the power frequency.. We can also provide you with a wide range of standard equipment that designed for 50/60Hz power.

Some of the benefits of our custom made commercial food and kitchen equipment for ships include:

  • Increased reliability: Our equipment designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the marine environment, so you can be confident that it will keep working even in the most demanding conditions.
  • Reduced downtime: Our equipment is designed to be easy to maintain, so you can minimize downtime and keep your ship’s kitchen operating smoothly.
  • Increased efficiency: Our equipment is designed to be energy efficient, so you can save money on your operating costs.

If you are looking for commercial food and kitchen equipment for your ship, we encourage you to contact us. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and help you find the perfect solution for your ship.

Here are some additional details about the importance of custom made products for 50/60Hz power:

  • The frequency of the power supply can vary depending on the ship’s location. For example, ships in Europe typically use 50Hz power, while ships in the United States typically use 60Hz power.
  • If you use a standard commercial food and kitchen equipment that not designed for 50/60Hz power .  it may not work properly or may even damage the equipment.
  • Custom made commercial food and kitchen equipment can be designed to operate on either 50Hz or 60Hz power, so you can be sure that it will work properly no matter where your ship is operating.


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